COD: Modern Warfare 3 (2024)

· Gold camo

Reach Level 31 in Multiplayer mode for a weapon by getting 1,000 kills with it to unlock the Gold camo for the weapon.

· Secret killstreak

Get a 25 (24 with Hardline) killstreak using only your gun/knife/equipment (killstreak kills do not count) to get a M.O.A.B. (Mother Of All Bombs). When activated, it will kill all enemies on the map, no matter where they are, as well as disable the enemy's equipment, electronics, and pointstreaks for one minute. Additionally, the team with the person who calls in a M.O.A.B. will get double XP for the rest of the match.

· Easy XP

Once you reach Level 20 in Multiplayer mode, use the Specialist Killstreak package to get a lot of extra XP. Create a class with the Hardline perk and use the Specialist Killstreak package. You will get extra points at kills 1, 3, 5, and 7. It will also help you complete the perk's challenges and the Specialist challenges for each perk. You will be completing the perks, and each perk has a Specialist perk challenge to it. For example, if at one kill you unlock Assassin, you will be completing Assassin challenges while also completing the "Assassin" Specialist challenge. You will get a lot of XP as you complete these challenges in addition to the 200 XP you get for kills 1, 3, 5, and 7 each time. This works best in modes where you get a lot of kills. Additionally, you get extra points for kills 8, 9, 10, etc. as long as you have all the perks enabled and have not died.

· Easy Blast Shield Pro

Throw a Flash or Concussion grenade at the wall so it bounces back at you and stuns you. It will be counted as deflecting an explosion for the Blast Shield Pro. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.

· Easy SitRep Pro

Once you unlock the Trophy System tactical equipment, assign it to a class, and deploy it. Then, knife it, and it will count towards destroyed enemy equipment for the SitRep Pro. Note: This glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game.

· Reducing lag

At the multiplayer main menu, select "Options", then disable the "Theater Recording" option to help reduce lag during online games.

· Multiplayer unlockables

Reach the indicated level in Multiplayer mode to unlock the corresponding weapon, perk, equipment, or killstreak/deathstreak:

Level 5: Throwing Knife

Level 6: SCAR-L (assault rifle)

Level 8: SPAS-12 (shotgun)

Level 10: P99 (handgun)

Level 11: Blind Eye perk

Level 12: Dragunov (sniper)

Level 13: Scrambler (tactical)

Level 14: PKP Pecheneg (LMG)

Level 15: Hardline perk

Level 15: Revenge (death streak)

Level 16: MP9 (machine pistol)

Level 18: CM901 (assault rifle)

Level 19: Sitrep perk

Level 20: Specialist (strike package)

Level 21: EMP Grenade (tactical)

Level 22: A550 (sniper)

Level 22: Extreme Conditioning perk

Level 24: Javelin (launcher)

Level 26: AA-12 (shotgun)

Level 27: Assassin perk

Level 28: PP90M1 (SMG)

Level 29: Smoke Grenade (tactical)

Level 30: MP412 (handgun)

Level 30: Steady Aim perk

Level 32: Type 95 (assault rifle)

Level 32: Final Stand (death streak)

Level 36: Skorpion (M. Pistol)

Level 37: Bouncing Betty (anti personnel mine)

Level 38: P90 (SMG)

Level 39: Scavenger perk

Level 40: Stinger (Launcher; vehicle lock-on only)

Level 42: G36C (assault rifle)

Level 44: RSASS (sniper)

Level 45: Trophy System (deflects enemy explosives/missiles)

Level 46: .44 Magnum (handgun)

Level 47: Overkill perk

Level 48: Striker (shotgun)

Level 50: ACR 6.8 (assault rifle)

Level 51: Martyrdom (death streak)

Level 52: XM25 (launcher)

Level 53: Claymore (anti personnel mine)

Level 54: MK46 (LMG)

Level 55: Dead Silence perk

Level 56: PM9 (SMG)

Level 57: Dead Man's Hand (death streak)

Level 58: Five Seven (handgun)

Level 60: MK14 (assault rifle)

Level 61: Tactical Insertion (marker to place your next re-spawn)

Level 62: Model 1887 (shotgun)

Level 64: M320 GLM (launcher)

Level 66: MSR (sniper)

Level 68: AK-47 (assault rifle)

Level 69: C4 Explosives

Level 70: G18 (machine pistol)

Level 71: Hollow Points (death streak)

Level 72: M60E4 (LMG)

Level 74: MP7 (SMG)

Level 76: Desert Eagle (handgun)

Level 77: Portable Radar (shows enemy movement within its radius)

Level 78: FAD (assault rifle)

Level 80: RPG-7 (launcher)

· Prestige rewards

Reach Level 80 in Multiplayer mode to unlock Prestige mode and the Prestige Shop. Each time you Prestige, you will get one Prestige token. You can use the token in the Prestige Shop to unlock one of the following bonuses or save it for use later. There are a total of ten Prestige ranks. Once you reach the tenth Prestige, you will have the ability to reset all your stats and progress and start over again. You will also unlock exclusive titles and emblems when you reach certain Prestiges, which will never be reset. Note: You can also earn Prestige tokens by Prestiging in Call Of Duty: Black Ops, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call Of Duty: World At War, and Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Additionally, the Prestige Shop will automatically be unlocked from the start if you have a Prestige token from Prestiging in one of the four listed Call Of Duty games.

1. Extra Custom Class

2. Double XP (2 hours)

3. Double Weapon XP (2 hours)

4. Regular Package (title and emblem)

5. Unlock Gear (unlock a weapon, equipment, or perk permanently, no matter how many times you Prestige; available after the 1st Prestige)

6. Hardened Package (title and emblem; reach 5th Prestige)

7. Veteran Package (title and emblem; reach 10th Prestige)

8. Reset All Stats (reach 10th Prestige)

· Perks

The following is a list of all perks and their effect:

Tier 1


Recon: Explosive damage shows target on mini-map

Recon Pro: Bullet damage shows target on mini-map

Sleight Of Hand

Sleight Of Hand: Faster reloading

Sleight Of Hand Pro: Switch weapons quicker

Blind Eye

Blind Eye: Undetectable to air support and sentry guns

Blind Eye Pro: Faster lock-on for launchers, and increased bullet damage to air support and sentries

Extreme Conditioning

Extreme Conditioning: Increased sprint time

Extreme Conditioning Pro: Increased climbing speed


Scavenger: Get ammo from dead enemies

Scavenger Pro: Get more ammo from dead enemies

Tier 2


Quickdraw: Quicker aiming (ADS)

Quickdraw Pro: Quicker recovery from using grenade/equipment

Blast Shield

Blast Shield: Increased explosive resistance

Blast Shield Pro: Resistance to flash and concussion grenades


Hardline: Killstreaks require 1 fewer kill

Hardline Pro: Two assists count as kill towards killstreaks, and deathstreaks require 1 fewer death


Assassin: Undetectable by UAV, portable radar, thermal, and heartbeat sensors

Assassin Pro: Immunity to CUAV and EMP, and no red crosshair or name appears when targeted


Overkill: Carry two primary weapons; second primary weapon cannot have attachments

Overkill Pro: Second primary weapon can have two attachments

Tier 3


Marksman: Identify enemy targets at long range

Marksman Pro: Hold breath longer while sniping


Stalker: Increased movement speed while aiming down the sights (ADS)

Stalker Pro: Delay enemy claymore explosions


SitRep: Detect enemy explosives and tactical insertions

SitRep Pro: Louder enemy footsteps

Steady Aim

Steady Aim: Increased hip fire accuracy

Steady Aim Pro: Weapon is ready faster after sprinting

Dead Silence

Dead Silence: Quieter movement, and Recon does not work as well against you

Dead Silence Pro: No fall damage

· Proficency

The following is a list of the proficiencies for weapons and their attribute:

1. Kick (reduced recoil)

2. Range (increased range)

3. Attachments (equip two attachments)

4. Focus (reduced flinch when shot)

5. Melee (faster melee)

6. Stability (reduced sway)

7. Impact (greater bullet penetration through walls)

8. Speed (faster movement with weapon equipped)

9. Damage (shells do more damage; shotgun only)

· Killstreak bonuses

Get the indicated number of consecutive kills in Multiplayer mode to get the corresponding bonus. Note: The Specialist Strike Package allows you to choose three additional perks. The Support Strike Package does not reset your killstreak after dying.

Assault Strike Package

UAV: 3 kills

Care Package: 4 kills

I.M.S. (Intelligent Munitions System): 5 kills

Predator Missile: 5 kills

Sentry Gun: 5 kills

Precision Airstrike: 6 kills

Attack Helicopter: 7 kills

Strafe Run: 9 kills

Little Big Guard: 9 kills

Reaper: 9 kills

Assault Drone: 10 kills

AC-130: 12 kills

Pave Low: 12 kills

Juggernaut: 15 kills

Osprey Gunner: 17 kills

Specialist Strike Package

One extra perk: 2 kills

Two extra perks: 4 kills

Three extra perks: 6 kills

All perks: 8 kills

Support Strike Package

UAV: 4 kills

Counter-UAV: 5 kills

Ballistic Vests: 5 kills

Airdrop Trap: 5 kills

Sam Turret: 8 kills

Recon Drone: 10 kills

Advanced UAV: 12 kills

Remote Turret: 12 kills

Stealth Bomber: 14 kills

EMP: 18 kills

Juggernaut Recon: 18 kills

Escort Airdrop: 18 kills

· Deathstreak bonuses

Die the indicated number of times in Multiplayer mode to get the corresponding bonus:

Final Stand: 4 deaths (unlocked at Level 32; enter Last Stand mode after dying with your primary weapon)

Juiced: 4 deaths (move faster for 7.5 seconds after spawning)

Martyrdom: 4 deaths (unlocked at Level 51; drop a live grenade after dying)

Dead Man's Hand: 5 deaths (unlocked at Level 57; enter Last Stand mode after dying with C4 equipped)

Hollow Points: 5 deaths (unlocked at Level 71; bullets cause more damage for one kill)

Revenge: 5 deaths (see position of last enemy that killed you on mini-map)

· Weapons, attachments, equipment, and camouflage

The following is a list of the primary weapons, secondary weapons, attachments, equipment, and camouflage in the game, along with the level they are unlocked at in Multiplayer mode:

Assault Rifles


M16A4 - 3 round burst



TYPE 95 - 3 round burst (Level 32)

G36c (Level 42)

ACR 6.8 (Level 50)

MK14 - Semi-automatic (Level 60)

AK-47 (Level 68)

FAD (Level 78)

Sub Machine Guns




P90 (Level 38)

PM-9 (Level 56)

MP7 (Level 74)

Light Machine Guns



PKP Pecheneg

MK46 (Level 54)

M60E4 (Level 72)

Sniper Rifles

Barrett .50 Cal

L118A (bolt action, looks similar to the L96 from Call Of Duty: Black Ops)



RSASS (Level 44)

MSR (Level 66)



KSG 12


Striker - Semi-auto (Level 48)

Model 1887 (Level 62)


Machine Pistols



Skorpion (Level 36)

G18 (Level 70)


USP .45



.44 Magnum (Level 46)

Five Seven (Level 58)

Desert Eagle (Level 76)




Stinger (Level 40)

XM25 (Level 52)

M320 GLM (Level 64)

RPG (Level 80)


Frag Grenade

Semtex Grenade

Throwing Knife

Bouncing Betty Grenade (Level 37)

Claymore (Level 53)

C4 (Level 69)


Flash Grenade

Concussion Grenade

Scrambler (like a Jammer)

EMP Grenade

Smoke Grenade

Trophy System (tripod sensor that deflects explosive sent in its direction) (Level 45)

Tactical Insert (Level 61)

Portable Radar (Level 77)


Red Dot Sight


Grenade Launcher


Heartbeat Sensor

Hybrid Sight

Extended Magazines

Thermal Scope

Rapid Fire

Hamr Scope

Holographic Sight


Variable Zoom Scope





Digital Urban








· Intel locations

Search the indicated locations to find all 46 Intel laptops:

· Easy "Birdie" achievement

The best place to get the "Birdie" achievement is on the "Carbon" map in Special Ops Survival mode when two helicopters spawn in Round 6. Before reaching Round 6, buy 10 claymores and a turret. In total, you should have at least $10,000 at the end of Round 5. Go to the air support crate inside the building, and secure the area with your turret and claymores before starting Round 6. Then, start Round 6, and use Predator missiles to destroy the helicopters ($2,500 per missile). Stay in cover where no enemies can see you. You will get the "Birdie" achievement after shooting down the second helicopter as long as you took no damage at all during the round.

· Easy "Get Rich Or Die Trying" achievement

Instead of trying to save up $50,000 by playing solo, play a Special Ops Survival map with two players. Once both players have a total sum of $50,000, go to the shop, and have one player give the other enough money so they have $50,000 to get the "Get Rich Or Die Trying" achievement. Then, give the other player enough money so they have $50,000 and get the achievement as well.

· Easy "Jack The Ripper" achievement

In the "Stronghold" mission, when Price tells you to turn your night-vision on and he turns off the lights, quickly run around knifing the enemies to get the "Jack The Ripper" achievement.

· Easy "Strike" achievement

At the beginning of the "Persona Non Grata" mission, after leaving the starting area and going down a set of stairs, you will reach a large courtyard. Run to the left side, and kill the enemies that are in your way. Six enemies will come out of an alleyway and stop in front of a door. Cook a frag grenade, then throw it in-between them, and you should get the "Strike" achievement. If you do not kill five of them and get the "Strike" achievement, simply reload the checkpoint and keep trying until you get it.

In the "Return To Sender" mission, when you see a bunch of enemies run across the screen from right to left during the sandstorm (when Echo Team says "We've located Nikolai's chopper. It's a half click south of your position."), reload the checkpoint, then throw a flash bang at them, and toss a frag grenade to kill them all and get the "Strike" achievement.

· Achievements

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

Back in the Fight (5 points): Start the Single Player Campaign on any difficulty.

Too Big to Fail (10 points): Destroy the Jamming Tower. Complete "Black Tuesday" on any difficulty.

Wet Work (10 points): Take back New York Harbor. Complete "Hunter Killer" on any difficulty.

Carpe Diem (10 points): Escape the mountain safe house. Complete "Persona Non Grata" on any difficulty.

Frequent Flyer (10 points): Defend the Russian President. Complete "Turbulence" on any difficulty.

Up to No Good (10 points): Infiltrate the village. Complete "Back on the Grid" on any difficulty.

One Way Ticket (10 points): Make it to Westminster. Complete "Mind the Gap" on any difficulty.

Welcome to WW3 (10 points): Save the US Vice President. Complete "Goalpost" on any difficulty.

Sandstorm! (10 points): Assault the shipping company. Complete "Return to Sender" on any difficulty.

Back Seat Driver (10 points): Track down Volk. Complete "Bag and Drag" on any difficulty.

We'll Always Have Paris (10 points): Escape Paris with Volk. Complete "Iron Lady" on any difficulty.

Vive la Révolution! (10 points): Reach the church. Complete "Eye of the Storm" on any difficulty.

Requiem (10 points): Escape the city. Complete "Blood Brothers" on any difficulty.

Storm the Castle (10 points): Discover Makarov's next move. Complete "Stronghold" on any difficulty.

Bad First Date (10 points): Find the girl. Complete "Scorched Earth" on any difficulty.

Diamond in the Rough (10 points): Rescue the Russian President. Complete "Down the Rabbit Hole" on any difficulty.

The Big Apple (25 points): Complete "Black Tuesday" and "Hunter Killer" on Veteran difficulty.

Out of the Frying Pan... (25 points): Complete "Persona Non Grata", "Turbulence", and "Back on the Grid" on Veteran difficulty.

Payback (25 points): Complete "Mind the Gap", "Goalpost", and "Return to Sender" on Veteran difficulty.

City of Lights (25 points): Complete "Bag and Drag" and "Iron Lady" on Veteran difficulty.

The Darkest Hour (25 points): Complete "Eye of the Storm", "Blood Brothers", and "Stronghold" on Veteran difficulty.

This is the End (25 points): Complete "Scorched Earth", "Down the Rabbit Hole", and "Dust to Dust" on Veteran difficulty.

Who Dares Wins (40 points): Complete the campaign on any difficulty.

The Best of the Best (100 points): Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.

Strike! (20 points): Kill 5 enemies with a single grenade in Single Player or Special Ops.

Jack the Ripper (20 points): Melee 5 enemies in a row in Single Player or Special Ops.

Informant (20 points): Collect 22 Intel Items.

Scout Leader (35 points): Collect 46 Intel Items.

This Is My Boomstick (20 points): Kill 30 enemies with the XM25 in "Black Tuesday."

What Goes Up... (20 points): Destroy all the choppers with only the UGV's grenade launcher in "Persona Non Grata."

For Whom the Shell Tolls (20 points): Destroy all targets during the mortar sequence with only 4 shells in "Back on the Grid."

Kill Box (20 points): Kill 20 enemies with the Chopper Gunner in a single run in "Return to Sender."

Danger Close (20 points): Take down a chopper with an AC-130 smoke grenade in "Bag and Drag."

Ménage à Trois (20 points): Destroy 3 tanks with a single 105mm shot in "Iron Lady."

Nein (20 points): Kill 9 enemies with A-10 strafing runs in "Scorched Earth."

50/50 (20 points): Complete a Special Ops Mission Mode game with the same number of kills as your partner.

Birdie (20 points): Kill 2 enemy helicopters without getting hit in a Special Ops Survival game.

Serrated Edge (15 points): Finish a Juggernaut with a knife in Special Ops.

Arms Dealer (20 points): Buy all items from the Survival Weapon Armory.

Danger Zone (20 points): Buy all items from the Survival Air Support Armory.

Defense Spending (20 points): Buy all items from the Survival Equipment Armory.

Get Rich or Die Trying (25 points): Have $50,000 current balance in a Special Ops Survival game.

I Live (10 points): Survive 1 wave in a Special Ops Survival game.

Survivor (20 points): Reach Wave 10 in each mission of Special Ops Survival mode.

Unstoppable (40 points): Reach Wave 15 in each mission of Special Ops Survival mode.

No Assistance Required (20 points): Complete a Special Ops Mission Mode game on Hardened or Veteran with no player getting downed.

Brag Rags (10 points): Earn 1 star in Special Ops Mission Mode.

Tactician (20 points): Earn 1 star in each mission of Special Ops Mission Mode.

Overachiever (40 points): Earn 48 stars in Special Ops Mission Mode.

Additionally, there is one secret achievement:

Flight Attendant (20 points): Kill all 5 enemies during the zero-g sequence in "Turbulence."

The following achievements require the "Content Collection #1" bonus downloadable content:

Shotgun Diplomacy (15 points): Complete the Special Ops mission "Negotiator" on any difficulty.

Not on My Watch (35 points): Rescue all the hostages in the Special Ops mission "Negotiator."

Skilled Negotiator (25 points): Complete the Special Ops mission "Negotiator" on Veteran difficulty.

Slippery Slope (15 points): Complete the "Black Ice" Special Ops mission on any difficulty.

A Baker's Dozen (35 points): Run over and kill 13 enemies with the snowmobile in the "Black Ice" Special Ops mission.

Ice in Your Veins (35 points): Complete the "Black Ice" Special Ops mission on Veteran difficulty.

The following achievements require the "Content Collection #2" bonus downloadable content:

Don't Tread on Me (15 points): Complete the "Iron Clad" Special Ops mission on any difficulty.

High Roller (25 points): Complete the "Iron Clad" Special Ops mission on Veteran difficulty.

Not a Scratch (35 points): Finish with your tank at full health in the "Iron Clad" Special Ops mission.

One-Four-One (15 points): Complete the "Kill Switch" Special Ops mission on any difficulty.

Helipocalypse (30 points): Destroy 6 helicopters in the "Kill Switch" Special Ops mission.

EMPressive... (30 points): Complete the "Kill Switch" Special Ops mission on Veteran difficulty

COD: Modern Warfare 3 (2024)


How many hours does it take to finish MW3? ›

The Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 campaign will take you about six hours to complete if you are just focusing on rounding out the narrative. The playtime will increase a bit if you are playing the title on a much higher difficulty. This means the completion time will vary from player to player.

Why is my MW3 corrupt? ›

Typically, this error occurs because some of Modern Warfare's game data has become damaged or corrupted in some way. It can also be triggered by issues with internet connections while the game tries to load data from servers.

Does MW3 have competitive? ›

Multiplayer Ranked Play in Modern Warfare 3 is an online 4v4 multiplayer competitive mode that uses the same rules, maps and restrictions as found in the Call of Duty League. When those rules are updated, CoD MW3 Ranked Play follows suit.

What do you get for beating the MW3 campaign? ›

Mission completion rewards: Earn over a dozen in-game rewards for completing the Campaign, including new Calling Cards, Operators, Double XP Tokens, and a special Multiplayer Weapon Blueprint unlocked at game launch for Campaign completion.

How do I fix not enough memory error? ›

Key Takeaways
  1. Close unnecessary tabs in Chrome's task manager to free up memory and prevent the "Not enough memory" error.
  2. Update Google Chrome to fix any bugs and improve memory efficiency.
  3. Enable Memory Saver Mode to release memory occupied by inactive tabs and improve performance.
Feb 11, 2024

How much RAM does MW3 need? ›

What are the minimum system requirements for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on PC? The minimum specs include Windows 10 64-bit, Intel Core i5-6600 or AMD Ryzen 5 1400 CPU, 8 GB RAM, and a 2 GB VRAM video card, along with an SSD with 149 GB available space.

Why does MW3 keep crashing? ›

Please note: Third-party applications such as input remapping software, overlays, and recording software may interfere with gameplay or disrupt the game's boot process, even if they're not running when you boot or play the game. Try uninstalling these types of applications if you experience persistent game crashes.

Was MW3 successful? ›

It was a massive commercial success. Within 24 hours of going on sale, the game sold 6.5 million copies in the United States and the United Kingdom and grossed $400 million, contemporaneously making it the largest entertainment launch ever.

Does rank reset every season in MW3? ›

Ranks in Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play are permanent and will persist across seasons.

What is the fad in MW3? ›

The FAD (Fusil Automático Doble) is a bullpup assault rifle that appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty: Ghosts.

How long does it take to beat MW3? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is about 6 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 38 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How long does it take to complete Call of Duty 3? ›

Powered by IGN Wiki Guides
Main Story2238h 8m
Main + Extras3410h 26m
Completionist2010h 24m
All PlayStyles2778h 34m

How many missions is MW3? ›

How many missions are in the CoD MW3 campaign? There are 15 missions in the CoD MW3 campaign. Throughout the campaign, which brings back classic CoD baddie Makarov, you'll be whisked around the globe as Task Force 141 in an effort to track down and stop the ultranationalist war criminal.

How long is season 3 of MW3? ›

Season Three, stylized as Season 3, is the third batch of post-launch content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III that was released on April 3rd, 2024 and ended on May 28th, 2024.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.