Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 23 - Xifos (2024)

Disclaimer: Percy Jackson belongs to Rick Riordan, as well as any other element of any other work, creation that appears, credits to whom it corresponds.

This reaction fanfic (watching), is about Percy Jackson in other worlds, taking the place of characters from other franchises, movies, games, etc.

If you don't like it, I have another Percy Jackson reaction fanfic seeing other characters from other media, without changing them, such as: Justice League, Avengers, Team Avatar, etc.




The parts referring to what is 'projecting':

What is said in the projection or if it refers to a fic, which you have permission to use.

What PJ's Characters Are Seeing and Hearing

To differentiate future characters from their past/present counterparts, I will add the letter F to the end of their first or last names, or use P to differentiate the past/present from those in the future

I think one of the longest chapters I've written of my fics so far.


"So... what do we do with them?" Rhodes asked the other gods about the fate of a bloodied and unconscious Zeus on the ground, a situation shared by Ares as well as his sons Deimos, Phobos, Eros, as well as Aphrodite, although the latter was the least injured, along with a immobilized Hera

"We haven't decided yet," replied Poseidon, who with Hestia, Demeter, and Hades was considering what to do.

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"Be that as it may, I keep saying that getting involved was unnecessary Hades, Poseidon could handle it on his own" Hestia gave a slight reproach to Hades, who shrugged.

The goddess of the hearth only shook her head at the actions of her brother who wanted to settle accounts with Zeus, and took advantage while Poseidon dealt with him, being the king of the underworld who was cruel to the god of lightning and the one most responsible for his injuries

—|—|—|—A few moments ago—|—|—|—

Zeus just screamed in fury before taking aim at Percy Jackson, which worried, and terrified the campers by the fate of the sea-green eyed boy, but because the rest of the gods had been watching the lightning god's reactions, they reacted as soon as he got up from his seat, with Poseidon throwing his trident, which took Zeus out of the council room, through the doors of the room, and the sea king headed towards the god he knocked down, leaving the same room.

As soon as the rest of the audience except for the Atlanteans were surprised, although Hades was the first to react and went to where his brothers were, Hera was the next to react, who began to rant about how Poseidon dares to attack his king, only for Kronos' youngest daughter to be quickly silenced by Rhodes and imprisoned by Demeter with some vines..

But just when the goddess was immobilized, the sounds of lightning and storms began to be heard in the hall, as well as the slight trembling of Olympus, coming from the struggle between the brothers; Triton watched Athena, who upon noticing only gave a slight shake of his head, so the messenger of the sea nodded, only for a moment later to turn his head towards the doors of the Olympian council room, to observe them for a moment before grunting a little and heading towards them

"Why did Triton growl?" asked Hermes

"The fight between father, Hades and Zeus is attracting attention, several gods are already there, including Ares and Aphrodite,"Rhodes responded to Hermes' doubt, explaining that she and her brother had already sensed the presence of several inhabitants of Olympus who were approaching to find out what was happening, in addition to the fact that Ares and Aphrodite had left the temple of the former, since they were there too

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"I'll help Triton," Kymopoleia said, though it was clear to everyone that it wasn't so much to help her brother, but to keep from getting bored

"So... will we have a new king before the end of the day?" Nike asked the goddess of magic

"Undoubtedly," replied Hecate, who was smiling at the overthrow of Zeus, which was about to happen, which Nike imitated after hearing her

For their part, the campers, Amazons, and hunters did not know what to think, those of the future, especially the Greeks, realized that history was already changing, with everyone praying for the better, which they believed it would be; but the Romans were in debate with themselves, because they have been instilled in fighting for Rome, living for Rome and dying for Rome, as well as for their two most important gods, but since this began their image of the gods has been shattered with each passing moment. Although there was also the fear that the Romans had of Neptune, a fear that did not disappear due to the strength/power shown by the king of the seas, despite the god showing a relaxed attitude like his son.

The Amazons were in a similar situation to the Romans with regard to Ares.

And the Greeks of the past wondering what this meant for everyone, those who were going to defect did not miss the smiles on Nike and Hecate, so they hoped this would be good for them. Meanwhile, Percy was the only one who was grateful that everyone's attention wasn't on him, because the news that he would end up being Annabeth's boyfriend had attracted the attention of the others previously, but the thought of that news made him blush.

—|—|—|—Back to the present—|—|—|—

Poseidon had a slight smile at the actions of Hades and Hestia, he couldn't blame Hades, after all the millennia of how Zeus has treated him.

Poseidon may have started a fight with Zeus, which he quickly won and ended by severely wounding the god of lightning, which was accelerated when Hades joined in, but seeing the king of the underworld giving his all, he let Hades take care of Zeus alone , his brother needed to vent, so Poseidon withdrew from the fight and just watched.

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"But back to the topic, I understand that Deimos and Phobos got involved, but Eros... he's not someone who fights," Demeter said

"He got involved after I hit his mother with the side of my trident for trying to use his vocal charm on me, which was useless, any young mermaid has a charm at least twice as powerful, and it doesn't affect any god who lives in Atlantis." Triton answered his aunt's question,while the god was standing next to his sister Kymopoleia and paying no attention to the surprised looks of many.

Meanwhile the rest of the gods were explaining why the fight between the sons of Kronos, along with explaining the presence of the campers, Amazons, hunters, as well as what had been happening in the Olympian council room.

The queen of the seas trying to talk to Hera, but anyone could see that she was trembling an eyebrow at Hera's answers.

"Then what do we do with them?" asked Rhodes again

"Throw them into Tartarus or vanish them" Kymopoleia

"The first one can be counterproductive if they don't get destroyed by monsters, Titans or that hell, maybe they join them looking for revenge, and the second would be to figure out how to do it, even though they are not what they were in the past, they still have anchors that prevent it" Triton answered, although he brought curious looks from his aunts with the last thing he said, that they were no longer the same gods as before, what did he mean?

Hestia was not comfortable with both thoughts about the fate of the 6 or 7 gods, although she knew they had earned it, while Hades was in favor of both, especially the last option, and Demeter was more comfortable than her sister with either option.

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"I'll take the demigods and the others to eat," Hestia said after a few moments of silence that occurred between them, she needed to think

The others saw Hestia address the campers to take them to eat, with Persephone and Ariadne, leaving only the deities, with the children of Kronos and Atlantes addressing the rest, they had a lot to talk about.

—|—|— With Hestia and the others —|—|—

As they made their way to the dining room, the non-immortals were full of questions, with Athena's children using all their willpower not to question and offend the goddess, but it was Nico who approached her, after the future Greeks forced him, because he knew her best of all of them.

"Lady Hestia," Nico said, drawing the goddess's attention

"What's the matter, nephew?" replied Hestia with a warm smile

"Could we what's going on?... Or rather, what's going to happen?, Lady Hestia"

"I honestly don't know, it's never happened before, well except for that time when Poseidon tried to make Zeus a better king, but since then Zeus never trusted him again, if ever."

Everyone listened and several were surprised by this data, while others recognized what the goddess was referring to

"So... will we have a new king?" said Nico

"Maybe... and personally I would prefer it to be Poseidon"

"Why?, if you're the oldest."

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"I have no interest in ruling and I don't see myself as a queen, besides the position of king always belonged to Poseidon."

"Ehh?... what do you mean?"

"A lot of things are said about the gods, sometimes total truths, sometimes lies, sometimes a combination of the two, or just a part of what happened, but what I mean is that Poseidon is the real reason we defeated Kronos."

Octavian was about to call the goddess a liar. but Reyna and others stopped him before he did that stupid thing, as soon as the goddess saw the surprise on the faces of her nephew and the others, she answered before they asked what she meant

"The truth is that Poseidon was also saved from being eaten, when he was born, mother Rhea, she hid him in a flock of lambs pretending to have given birth to a foal, that she gave to Cronus to devour him, then she entrusted him to a nymph named Arne, who took care of him at first, but due to fear of Kronos, she stopped doing so... then mother entrusted him to the original Telchines in Rhodes, they educated him, taught him how to cultivate the land, use magic, to control the weather, causing hail, rain, snow, taking any form he wanted, to forge...

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Everyone listened intently to the goddess, being amazed at those data, wondering how strong Poseidon really was, but some of the Greeks wondered about it with young Percy, remembering that he showed no forging ability, but only some of them realizing that at first he showed no skill in anything apart from the canoe, but after the search he began to show skill with the sword, Did he need time for his abilities to show themselves?, and the son of the sea was with similar thoughts, except for the questions the others had about him.

On the other hand, those of the future thought that now it made more sense because Percy had become the best when he was only at camp on vacation or for a quest, the rest of the time he tried to lead a normal life, as most of them tried, but they also questioned that his friend did not show skill in some things, But also the green-eyed man did not practice them when he saw their lack of skill such as archery, although in that case they were all grateful, but remembering what they had seen and that perhaps it was Apollo's fault due to a curse.

The Romans were once again debating what to do, what to think, how to act from now on, and only Octavian was grunting, but beginning to fear the Atlanteans

As soon as the Amazons were gaining momentum, their ideas about a certain green-eyed black haired man was gaining strength, once again the boy felt a chill and desire to get away from the Amazons, which he began to do, and the Huntresses instead were just listening and guarding their opinions... for now

"… It was Poseidon who convinced Metis to trick Kronos into drinking the potion that vomited out of his stomach," the goddess said with a grimace amid the memory of her past

The others only watched with surprise since they knew a different story, which was for the Greeks that it was Zeus who gave him the potion and the Romans that Jupiter opened his father's stomach

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"Poseidon taught us how to fight, how to use our power... He was the one who led us and organized us to fight the Titans... he thought of freeing the ancient Cyclopes and the Hecatonchires, he took Hades and Zeus to Tartaro to free them, although, it was Zeus who addressed the Hecatonchires, while Hades and Poseidon freed the Cyclops... he was the one who fought the most with Kronos. He is the one who really deserves the credit for defeating the Titan King"

"If so... why didn't he become the king?" it was Thalia who approached, confused that if it was because of Poseidon that Kronos was defeated, because her father became the king.

Hestia gave her niece a smile, before sighing "He knew Zeus for years before we were freed, so I support him when he nominated himself as the king, which he later regretted, ... and why he didn't want to be the king, he just wasn't interested, which is kind of ironic since he later became the king of Atlantis"

"Then he did want to be a king" said the lieutenant, which caused the goddess to smile awkwardly

"Not really... he became king of Atlantis when he saved them from Oceanus... Oceanus was neutral during the first war, but when he attacked Atlantis he did so for his own reasons."

"Reasons of his own?"

"He wanted revenge on my brother, and since Atlantis adored him, because he helped them on several occasions, Oceanus decided to destroy them."

"Why?" asked Nico, but Goddess was slow to answer

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"Oceanus was courting Thetis, they weren't married yet, neither was my brother, but... My brother... he had a son with Thetis"

"I thought Triton was his firstborn," Thalia and Nico said at the same time

"He is with Amphitrite, but the first son he had was Proteus, with Thetis."

"I never heard of him," said Annabeth, who approached the 3

"When it comes to those that are related to the seas and oceans, it's not surprising, most prefer to stay in them, underwater."

"Another question, Lady Hestia," said Annabeth as they entered the dining room

"Which is it?"

"Do you know what's going on with my mother and Triton... and the rest of the Atlanteans?"

"Zeus may have given life to your mother, but it was Triton who raised her, and she lived in Atlantis during her first centuries, but it was Zeus who was responsible for her quarrelling with them, for them drifting apart... And now they're fixing that"

"Then Triton is Athena's adoptive father," Leo said, because everyone else was silent in surprise, especially the children of wisdom

"It's one way of saying it" Hestia replied, but Jason and Piper began to have a bad feeling about their friend, who walked up to Annabeth and stared at her

"What?" Annabeth asked the boy of Latin descent

"So... Triton is the father of Athena, just like Zeus... so... are you dating your mother's uncle or his cousin?" doing that wasn't the wisest thing Valdez did, as he just finished talking and the next thing he knew was a punch to his face

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Meanwhile, AnnabethP and Percy were cursing Leo for bringing back the topic of their future selves being boyfriends, as their fellow campers turned to them with smiles they didn't like.



The gods suspended their discussion of plans and changes to be made, when Hestia and the others returned. They had a lot to work out, like who would be the new king or queen, but they would talk about it later.

So now they were preparing to continue the reproduction, but with new guests in the audience, since the gods who inhabited Olympus were curious about all this.

Everyone more relaxed after a big beating of a certain Servant Berserker who was currently being treated roughly by Nightingale, the young adult transported by Gea prepared to continue meeting the people who have not yet introduced themselves, specifically the trio of blonde women, the fearful man and a robust red-eyed adult.

The men, remembering what happened to the counterpart of the son of Zeus, covered their crotches, and felt everything from chills to terror, in addition to causing confusion in the others who had just joined.

The huntresses, especially Zoe, happy about the fate of Heracles, but still deep in thought about the son of Poseidon, the version seen does not enter into her perceptions of men, and apparently it is the one that most resembles the green-eyed young teen in the room, or will resemble him.

The Romans, on the other hand, recognized that those who approached Perseus were Romans because of how they reacted earlier to the tattoo and the name of Neptune

"I must suppose that you are unfailingly Romans, are you not?" Addressing them, the blue-eyed black-haired man inquired, glancing sideways at how the albino girl seemed to punish the bear and the gray-haired duo who helped him against Heracles.

Almost as if she was an older sister to said Heroic Spirits.

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"Of course, UMU!" The blonde in a wedding dress declared proudly.

"We are more than just Servants, UMU!" the one in a revealing swimsuit, as if she were ready to go to a beach, she declared.

"We are Emperors of Rome!" complemented the third woman, being that this time she did not use the usual catchphrase that caused a little amusem*nt in the demigod.


The Romans were confused, they don't remember any woman who was an empress.

Without saying anything out loud, Perseus Jackson caught the oddity in the expression that the last blonde used to refer to the other two, naming themselves men when they were women. Obviously, his head could have reasoned, even if it was quite far-fetched, that they are female versions of well-known men.

Eyes wide and mouths open was how the Romans were faced with the implication of the narration.

After all, he had just met three different Medusa as a clear example.

The Greeks laughed at the legionaries. But they didn't take their eyes off the screen, because of the surprise.

On the other hand, the son of Poseidon, or Neptune on this occasion, scratched the back of his neck in discomfort, unable to control his attention deficit for a second.

"Nice to meet you, I'm sure Jason and Reyna would be more than happy to meet you" admitting what he really thought, Percy said.

Jason raised a curious eyebrow, perhaps he would know and get along with Jackson.

"And you don't?" The skittish man asked, momentarily overcoming his state.

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"Let's just say that living less than a year in Camp Jupiter makes quite a difference. Even more so if I compare it to the five years I lived in the Mestizo Camp" without fear of offending anyone, the son of the god of the sea confessed, letting himself roll up his sleeves and show the tattoo by one of the blondes.

Several Greeks smiled, but in the case of some, like Annabeth, they frowned at the news that the green-eyed man had spent almost a year away from them. While the Romans thought that he had only been with them for a few days, even if he counted his time with a magnifying glass, it wasn't even half a year, would Percy spend more time with them ?, Reyna smiled at the thought

"That explains the reason you have only one bar in your tattoo. Still, no matter what you think, Rome is Rome" Crossing his arms, the armored adult who barely covered his body spoke.

"I have no idea who he is."

"Who will it be?"

"I can't see who it is."

"I don't know who it might be."

The Romans who were beginning to come out of their surprise, wondered who he was, they just thought that it had to be one of their Caesars.

"It would have been nice if they had told Octavian that... Gods, how unbearable he was," Sally Jackson's son grumbled between his teeth, holding back his laughter at the blonde brushing the trident on his arm and tickling him.

Several Romans began to tell the scarecrow to listen, though most fell silent when he glared at them. That did not go unnoticed by the gods.

"It sounds like someone belonging to the Senate that my beloved had," a beautiful woman outside the group, who possessed extensive dark green hair with highlights and gold ornaments, spoke.

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"Well, he was an Augur and legacy of Apollo and a centurion of the First Cohort... so yes, he was someone well connected to the Senate" explaining what he remembered about the blond man who hated him so much, Percy mentally thanked the fact that he had his arm back.

The gods added talking to the legionaries and about Octavian to the things they had to do, which would apparently be a problem if they didn't supervise, control, or demote him.

"Wait a minute, you said earlier that you lost your blessing by having to go to their camp. Why?" Achilles interrupted the conversation, expressing a doubt that other Servants present had.

The Greeks remembered what was said earlier about the curse of Achilles, as they had forgotten it, with several cursing due to the Jackson getting into trouble even if he didn't look for them, although Nico was the one who cursed the most in ancient Greek and Italian, which caused Bianca to scold him, Hazel too, although she did not understand what he said,but she did know what he was doing.

"Hmmm... As I recall, it was because after we defeated Kronos, Apollo gave a prophecy that Gaea had woken up with the Giants. Of course, Hera, or Juno to you, had no better idea than to kidnap me, erase my memories, and force me to carry her to the other side of a river that took away my invulnerability..." putting a hand to his chin to recall the facts, the Jackson began his summary account, pausing briefly to first point to the group of Romans and then make a face of dissatisfaction at what the goddess did to him.

The tension rose again, between the mention of future wars, and the Greek campers, the Atlanteans and some other gods fulminated Hera who only growled immobilized in her seat


"Gi... Gi... Giants?" An old voice was heard behind the demigod, who turned to see that Chiron had heard the last part.

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"Yes, giants. But please don't faint! If I'm here alive, it means they died in the war! Confirming whatshe heard, the black-haired man hastened to reassure him, for his face had turned pale again.

Chiron wasn't as affected as his counterpart, but still worried.

"But don't you need a demigod and a god to kill a giant?" Scowling in clear sign of thinking, Medea Lily wanted to find out.

"That's right. In fact, together with Terminus we were able to beat Polybotes, while Frank, Hazel and Arion beat Alcyneus on Canadian soil" smiling at him as that question was reminded of his girlfriend, Percy alleged.

The Atlanteans and Annabeth were the most concerned at the mention that Percy faced or would face the giant who was born to destroy Poseidon, but also quite surprised as all those who did not know, in other words, any Roman. The same was true of Hades, Nico, Bianca and surprisingly Persephone, as far as Hazel was concerned, but there was also a sense of pride in the parents of the two demigods.

"What?" As for Frank, he was getting surprised looks from his Greek brothers, who were trying to gauge him with their eyes. They made him uncomfortable, though he didn't show it.

"Was that boulder helpful?" Surprised to hear something similar, the red-robed Roman woman who spoke earlier inquired now.

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"Frank, Hazel and Arion?" recognizing the last name, Artemis also formulated her doubt.

"Only when the Giant destroyed it in a fall, which allowed me to use the barely damaged head to finish it off. And those names are from my friends... and a horse/brother. A son of Mars and one daughter of Pluto, to be more detailed" taking the time to clear up the questions, Percy spoke calmly, managing to take a seat again, only among the Spirits of Rome.

The fact that Jackson only needed the help of one god to finish off and take down the giant, who existed to kill the green-eyed one's own father, did not go unnoticed by any god. How strong would the demigod be? That's what they were wondering.

"Wow..." even some who didn't want to talk, ended up amazed by the story.

While the witnesses seemed excited by the story, those summoned who represented the demigod's lineage could not help but be surprised by the achievements they learned from him, gradually increasing respect for his tenacity and bravery.

For this reason, the Servants who were the focus of Jackson's attention wanted to keep listening more, trying to find out about other achievements that would easily enhance the power of the Roman Empire again.


Octavian grunted and clenched his teeth and fists. On the other hand, the rest of the Romans were thinking, if they were not already doing so, of keeping Perseus as their praetor. Since the most similar counterpart was earning the respect of their predecessors.

"What happened next? Were there more fights? A Great praise? Parties with great luxuries?" The one who was fearful before seemed to show a resounding change of attitude, going so far as to stand in front of the black-haired man in search of answers.

"Bipolar" Several were curious about the change in attitude

"They lifted me up on a shield and made me Praetor?" Surprised by the number of questions he received, the demigod was able to reply timidly.

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The consequence of his answer was immediately apparent, being that the Romans closed their mouths and opened their eyes wide, to later give way to the trio that seemed to coincide in the reaction of smiling little by little until they achieved a wide grimace of pure happiness, then engulfing him in a fierce embrace that took the air out of the son of the god of the sea.

AnnabethF squinted at the 3 blondes, much to the amusem*nt of Thalia, Rachel, and a few others from the future, but the rest of the Greeks were worried

Fleetingly reminding him of Tyson.

"We've got a Praetor, UMU!" in unison exclaimed those involved, gloating in the revelation.

"Here we go again..." muttered a woman with fox ears and tail, as if remembering something old.

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The amusem*nt was again due to the verbal tic of the blondes, and curious about the appearance of the woman with the ears and tail of a fox, although the hunters growled at those who whistled, or did not take their eyes off the woman

"This is to celebrate all together!" the red-robed Servant declared.

"Our greatest wish has finally arrived!" cried the same woman, but in the red and white bathing suit.

"This should be cause for celebration.!" Separating herself slightly from Jackson, the lady in a wedding dress spoke cheerfully.

"Please, it's not like you react like that either. Jason and Reyna have been Praetor much longer than me. However, I think I was selected mainly because I found the Eagle of the Twelfth Legion..." Wanting to soothe the glow of joy that the blondes instinctively emanated, Percy commented, then frowned and debated aloud a thought he always had.

The Romans were somewhat embarrassed by it may have been the main reason they did it, but he also came to save them, got help from the Amazons, and showed them what he was capable of.

The Greeks surprised that Poseidon's son found the lost Eagle, the few who knew what it was, the rest instead...


So engrossed was the demigod in his soliloquy, that he basically ignored the new attitude of astonishment that the Roman Heroic Spirits presented, the main affected being the trio of women, although the remaining two were not far behind. And even the woman who had mentioned the Senate was surprised.

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-¿Is... is... Just kidding, right? The frightened man inquired, worried at the same time about the stunned Servants.

"No, why do you say that? I found him in Alaska when we had to rescue Thanatos because if he wasn't released, then the monsters we killed would return in a matter of hours" looking at him in disbelief, Perseus Jackson elaborated as best he could, being able to see on the side how Chiron lost his colors to recover them later.

"Thanatos was captured!" cried the gods, but the one who shouted loudest was Hades

Once again the worry returned, in the face of the fact that the god of death would be imprisoned and prevent the monsters from dying. AnnabethF was beginning to make plans to go help her boylfriend when they returned to their time if things didn't change at this time.

"Say the nickname they gave him. Say it and I will truly believe you." Desperately seeking truthful confirmation, the red-dressed green-eyed girl begged.

Percy saw that not only did she want to hear that name, but everyone else was on equal footing. It was difficult for him not to be uncomfortable with the situation, reacting instinctively by scratching the back of his head for the second time in the day before replying.

"Fulminata. And it is capable of launching lightning since it was blessed and given by Jupiter to the Twelf... PHEW!" Resigned, the black-haired man said, being captured again by the women who kissed his cheeks.

"But what kind of luck does he have?"

"Damn lucky guy"

"He's dead."

"That guy is already dead, he just hasn't been warned."

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AnnabethF practically saw red at what the 3 blonde Romans did, but Reyna also clenched her fists and teeth. Several turned away from both. The Amazons noticed the blonde and decided that they had to be very convincing with her or they would have to take... more drastic measures.

Percy felt the chill and the feeling of avoiding the Amazons again, but this time Grover realized what was happening to him, and asked him what was wrong.

Annabeth was beginning to feel annoyed, though she tried not to, "Percy is my friend, that's all," she repeated to herself in her mind.

Poseidon felt a migraine forming, seeing that his son would not only have problems with monsters, Titans and Giants, but also with women. The funny thing... the immortal brothers and the boy's stepmother were beginning to feel the same way.

Apollo and Hermes, on the other hand, thought of inviting the green-eyed man to their outings. Artemis didn't miss the exchange of smiles between her siblings.

An action that made him very uncomfortable since they were not his prized girlfriend.

Hearing about the black-haired man's discomfort prevented the hunters' opinion of the green-eyed man from dropping

"You're definitely our Praetor!" Poseidon's son was stunned after hearing them scream.

Octavian now saw red, but for different reasons, and the feelings of the Romans were gaining strength.

"A son of Neptune recovered what my niece Nero lost... I'm more than dead, really." Afflicted by the course of the conversation, the man who had regained his courage collapsed emotionally.

"Young... you too are Rome now" proud of what it heard from the demigod, and what it accomplished in less than a year, the rugged Roman determined.

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"Enough, please. They're reacting worse than Lupa" trying unsuccessfully to get away from them, Sally Jackson's son remembered how the wolf goddess herself shook her tail from side to side when she thought no one was looking.

"What she what?"

"What Lupa what?"

Hearing about Lupa's reaction, confused all the Romans, huntresses and gods, along with Chiron, Was the wolf goddess...?

"Mother is alive!?" Coming out of his regal personality, the man who congratulated him exclaimed in surprise, quickly catching the black-haired's attention.

Again, so much time with Annabeth, as well as Chiron's Latin lessons as Mr. Brunner, taught him to quickly associate names with known facts. If they saw him today, they would be proud to know that his head did not have as much seaweed as they thought, for he had deduced who the people in front of him were.

Reyna clenched her fists

"I know who they are" Sketching a genuine grimace of joy, which was appreciated by some Servants who quickly took a liking to him, Percy commented as he managed to push the blondes away.

"Seriously?!" Fearing the worst, the fearful Roman Spirit practically shouted out his question, feeling like it was going to fade away when he received a tacit nod of the head.

"They're Nero... female versions at least. You, not only because you called her niece but because of your fear of me, I recognized you... Caligula. And he, from the way he called Lupa, I say it's..." Seeing how the named reacted according to what he said, Percy stopped with the last Servant, monotonously moving his right hand as if looking for a precise answer.

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 23 - Xifos (20)

The Romans practically imitated the fish out of water by knowing who the servants were, the others were only a little better, but also some envy was present in the fact that Perseus knew such individuals.

"Is...?" Rider took advantage of the fact that Poseidon's son seemed to be concentrating on guessing.

"Don't you know?" scoffed Avenger, earning a tongue click from the person involved.

"How could I?!, There were two of Lupa's children, and they don't even look like the statues of them!" protested the demigod, being supported by several of those present who understood his situation.

"He's not wrong."

"He's right."

"Speaking of..."

The public thought that was the case, but they also felt the same way about all the counterparts of famous individuals in that world.

"What you say is coherent," accepted without hesitation, an elegant man dressed as a detective of old.

Athena raised an eyebrow at the peculiar appearance of the man who stood among great individuals

Taking pity on the uncertainty that afflicted the savior of Olympus, the Servant whose name was missing approached him, patting him firmly but not so roughly on the back, thus showing that he had earned his respect for the favor he had done to the empire he founded long ago.

"Servant Lancer introducing himself. I'm Romulus. I am Rome," he said, seeing at the same time the appreciation of Percy's face.

The incredulous reaction of the Romans returned.

"Yes... Reyna would definitely kill to be here" he let out his thoughts aloud with a soft smile.

Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 23 - Xifos (21)

Part of Reyna couldn't refute that, but the other Romans thought they would too.

Before anyone else could speak, the sound of several people chatting loudly came from the hallways outside the large hall, immediately attracting everyone's attention. He mainly ran into a young woman with reddish hair and golden eyes who was staring at the demigod.

"Great, a new Servant!" That's all Percy heard.

"I suppose she's the one who summoned them."

Several thought it was the person who had summoned the heroes of the past, or another of these servants.


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You can do it on P treon:Xifos&Gladius

Thanks towillowskeith, Scarlet Fox, dorian wilson, SVTM62vl, doompie, Andrew Steven, Damian syers, Anthony Baca, Dylan, twistedflame899, Zook, k, kolokolo, Soul, Aaron Clay, Kirito, Sbhat Asfaha, Alexander Cullison, Jose Castro, Sergio Avila Jr, Charles, Edavila, Doom 7bz, Robin DiWinter, Yorda, Red, Wesbrook, John Smith, Bear, DuranteEmrys, Kingjames2332, Hollow_d_wrld, Wat3rF0xKail, D3m0nRulerZ, Stephen Odom, Enrique Cristobal Luna, Christophe Dean, Jake, Leo Clark, Shrimp, Nicholas Fritz, Connor, Lachlan, Aiming, Brandon Ossandon, JamesNic20, Forgotten Frost, julio vega, Connor Lloyd, Godaken, Alex Hawthorne, Roger Gaulke, Kitsune, Jose Vazquez, Brad Rieman, Charles Beecham, WhoisMitch, Ken Harris, Ravunz, Stefan Gottlieb, joshua scroggins, Benji, Rocket22, Luis, Chronicle Clock, God of Wind 200, Alchem, Orioles Enjoyer, Raj, James Cavazos , United Federation, Daniel bridges , XVenomX159, Voidful 911, Malignance, luis a. v. r., Henry, Daniel R.andOettamLassfor their support on P treon


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Watching the PercyJackson-Verse - Chapter 23 - Xifos (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.